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Repair Service Keeps Spreaders Going
Evans Machinery, Inc. manufactures and sells Agricraft spreaders and other forms of farm equipment. But the company also offers a spreader repair and refurbishing service.
The family-owned business will repair any spreader, though they estimate that 90 percent of their restoration business involves the Agricraft equipment they sell. Most of their repairs come from North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia due to travel logistics but they will work with anyone.
When Evans Machinery first started, they sent customers with broken spreaders to local welding repair shops. Unfortunately, a lack of familiarity with the equipment at the shops meant these repairs could be slow and expensive. The solution was obvious - make repairs an in-house service. “When we do repairs at the shop, we can see immediately when problems are worse than anticipated, and we usually have the parts available right there,” says sales representative Jeff Ingram. “This saves everyone time and money.”
Those in need of repairs can contact the office directly. Ingram will request photos to understand the problem better and provide an estimate. In cases where the problem is too hard to diagnose virtually, he may arrange to make an on-site visit.
Once an estimate is set, customers can bring their equipment directly to the Wilson shop. Turnaround time varies based on the season and severity of the repairs but typically takes 4 to 6 weeks.
Prices for repairs range from $5,000 to $15,000. In comparison, a new spreader can cost up to $35,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Evans Machinery, Inc., P.O. Box 3408, Wilson, NC 27895 or 5123 Ivy Court, Wilson, N.C. 27893 (ph 252-243-4006; www.evansmachinery.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #3