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“Vapor Honing” Better Than Sandblasting
Vapor honing is a refinishing method used to clean dirty metal objects. The deep-cleaning process can restore metal objects to their original condition, no matter how many years have gone by.
“For restoration back to the original finish, vapor honing is the way to go,” says Toua Yang, marketing director for Vapor Honing Technologies. “The process works by blasting the object with a mixture of air, water, detergents, and semi-rough cleaning media.”
While it’s effective for removing both oxidation and corrosion, it’s still a non-abrasive form of cleaning and poses no risk to the item getting cleaned, unlike sandblasting.
“It’s not a temporary fix,” Yang says. “The vapor honing process works to seal the microscopic openings in aluminum, keeping corrosion and oxidation to a minimum for years to come.”
Terence Smith, a sales representative for Vapor Honing Technologies, says the process works great for making old tractors look new. He has a ’52 Farmall he needs to restore.
“The paint’s chipping off, and there’s a little bit of rust on it,” he says. “This process will remove any rust and leftover paint, and I’ll be ready to prep for a new coat of paint.”
It’s also the perfect system for restoring parts out of an old engine that might need rebuilding.
“Over time, engines get a lot of carbon buildup,” he says. “This is one of the best ways to get an engine running in tip-top condition. The process is quick, gentle, and you won’t spend a lot of money on chemicals.”
Almost any surface can get saved by wet blasting. “We’re well-known in the motorcycle and automotive world, as well as the aerospace and gun industries because we can clean so many different surfaces.”
The process starts with a wet blasting cabinet, and there are many types available depending on what types of objects need cleaning and the workloads.
The process is simple. Place the object inside the cabinet and let the process begin. The blast gun shoots out water, compressed air, and media. While it does that, the various media scrub away the surface of whatever is getting cleaned.
“If you’re worried about potentially damaging the item, the media stand no chance of damaging it because of the water,” Smith says. “Because of the water, the media have very little impact on the surface, which keeps friction to a bare minimum.”
While the process typically takes no more than a few hours, the length depends on the item getting cleaned and its overall condition before the cleaning began.
Farmers can clean items with kits and cabinets they can order for their farm, or the company website has places that offer vapor cleaning services in different states. The locations are available on the website.
“The cleaning cabinets are fully tested before we ship them out,” Yang says. “Once they receive it, all they have to do is connect a couple of hoses, add water, plug the power cord in, and the cabinet is ready to go.”
The cleaning cabinets are available at different price points, depending on how much needs cleaning. For example, the “Weekend Warrior” cabinet ranges from $1,999 to $2,864.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Terence Smith, Vapor Honing Technology, 313A Motz Ave., Lincolnton, N.C. 28092 (ph 828-202-5563; info@vaporhoningtechnologies.com; www.vaporhoningtechnologies.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5