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Weatherproof Power And Light Pole
Tom Hohl built a sturdy, weatherproof power and light pole for his backyard to provide trouble-free service in all kinds of weather.
“We get plenty of rain, damp weather and wind in the woods about 7 mos. of the year and during the other five there’s snow and ice, so I needed a light pole that could handle all those conditions,” Hohl says. His solution consists of a 16-ft. long green treated 4 by 6 pole that carries 20-amp power through waterproof conduit to an outlet, switch and two high-intensity LED lights. The outlet/switch box and lights are covered with metal roofing left over from when he built a covered woodshed and sugar shack.
His backyard power station gets plenty of use because the light illuminates his wood-burning stove, wood piles and woodshed. “We check and restock the stove every night during the 8-mo. heating season. The high-intensity LEDs provide excellent light in a 75-ft. arc so we can always see what we’re doing without using a flashlight,” Hohl says.
He uses the outlet to run power tools in the yard and to operate his sap pump in the spring when they make maple syrup. The sturdy pole is set 4 ft. deep in the ground and surrounded by concrete, so it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “The poplars and pine sway in the wind, but this post doesn’t move a bit,” he adds.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Hohl, Hermantown, Minn.

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5