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Multi Spindle Drill Triples Output
For Tim Ojala’s concrete forms and stakes business, drilling thousands of holes in wooden stakes used for concrete form support requires efficiency, safety and speed. Ojala had been drilling the holes with a press drill one stake at a time. To speed up the process, he installed a multi-spindle drill head that allows him to drill three holes at the same time.
  He set up a 3/4-hp. “C” Face electric motor coupled to an electric clutch and a “C” Face compatible gear reduction with a sprocket, chain drive and cam to engage the drill lever that’s normally pulled down by hand.
  “It’s spring activated to come back up,” says Ojala. “It works great for us as we’re doing thousands of stakes. We put them under the drill, push a button to activate it and it does one cycle and then stops. Then we repeat to go again.”
  The steel cam measuring 10 in. to a foot in diameter, along with a pair of lobes, one shallow and one higher, allow the bits to drill halfway through, then retract to clean out the hole before going back through. Bungee cords are used to pull the multi-head drill back up when the holes are completed.
  “We drilled about a thousand stakes the first day we used it,” he says. “It could easily be used to drill steel as well. It would just have to be adjusted to slow it down.”
  Ojala is considering modifying the unit to work with six bits in the future to shorten drilling times even further.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tim Ojala, Ojala Farms, 185 Thayer Road, New Ipswich, N.H. 03071 (ph 603-878-2024).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #6