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He Spells Out Names With Pony Shoes
Brandon Roost has figured out how to write the alphabet with pony shoes, and horse lovers and ranchers ask him to spell out all kinds of messages or names. Many hang over horse stalls, while others identify ranch or family names.
    He uses pony shoes, which are actually more expensive than horseshoes, but Roost says the small, rounder shoes work better.
    “They look more like letters. The smaller they are, the more intricate it looks,” he says. Most shoes need to be modified to shape different letters, and there are challenges putting some letters next to each other, such as two Ts. But after a decade of cutting and welding, the Wisconsin artist has his pony shoe alphabet figured out.
    The pony shoe signs are polished before being shipped. Customers can finish them with clearcoat or let them rust naturally. Signs can be attached to rope or chain to hang or nailed securely through the shoes’ nail holes.
    The price of $20/letter includes shipping.
    “You can have them computer cut out for about the same price,” Roost says. “This has a more personal touch and often becomes a memorial piece.”
    Roost also does other horseshoe art and metal sculptures that can be seen on his website.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, customerservice@horseshoenames.com; www.horseshoenames.com; Etsy: WhiskeyRiverTrading.

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #1