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DIY Electric Pet Fence Installation
Scotty Gardner needed a way to contain his family’s 8-month-old Texas heeler pup who was beginning to venture into the greater neighborhood and cause problems.
  “My wife and I decided we would try an ‘invisible’ pet fencing system,” says Gardner. “We started with a basic fencing system, but it only contained enough wire to do a small area, and we needed two acres. So, we had to buy another 1,500 ft. of 20-gauge wire.”
  Needing a way to bury the wire without using a spade, Gardner made a simple plow and welded a small pipe behind it for the wire to move through. This made it possible to bury the fence wire quickly and effortlessly.
  While his method worked for burying the wire, Gardner thinks conditions must be nearly perfect for success. “The metal could have been thicker to be a little stronger. It probably wouldn’t have performed well in a wooded area. I hit a big root during the last 20 ft. of the fence and bent it pretty good.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Scotty Gardner (Twitter @GardnerKatyg8).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3