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He Sells Garden Tractor Parts Online
Kyle Keutzer manages an online business on eBay selling antique, obsolete, and hard-to-find parts for 1950’s to 1990’s lawn and garden tractors. “My buyers are anyone from mower shops, restorers, tractor pullers, and people that just want to keep them running,” he says.
    Starting his online shop was a natural extension of Keutzer’s hobby of repurposing what he owned. “I’d always enjoyed doing manual labor,” he says. “As a kid, I loved taking things apart to see how they worked. I had lots of Legos. I had an early ‘70’s Allis Chalmers Tractor with a mowing deck that was getting hard to maintain, as parts were either expensive or unavailable.” He decided to part it out to sell and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
    After that point, Keutzer bought several similar models and spent his spare evenings taking them apart and making online listings. This soon became a side job that made for a welcome distraction from his work as a loan officer. “After 25 years in the mortgage industry, I got burnt out,” he shares. “Five years ago, I decided to part garden tractors full time. I always wanted to have my own business, and through 25 years of sales, I learned a lot about running one myself. ”     
    Keutzer sources his parts in multiple ways. “I purchase some from online classified ads,” he shares. “I’ve acquired some at auctions and have an auctioneer friend that buys some for me. I’m also friends with a guy that builds garden tractor-pulling tractors who may only use a few parts off a machine and then needs an outlet for the remaining parts.”
    Keutzer has been maintaining his store on eBay for almost two decades. He’s grown the business from approximately 300 ready-to-sell parts to over 6,000. Occasionally, he runs promotions on Facebook and does swap meets geared toward older iron.
    While Keutzer loves what he does, he maintains it takes a particular personality to make it work. “If you are looking to be self-employed with the lure of working less than a 40-hour work week, this probably isn’t a good path. You must like what you’re selling and have a passion for it. For me, it’s the thrill of the chase for finding new machines that have highly desirable parts on them, combined with the true enjoyment of capitalism and the American Dream.”
    You can see what Keutzer has for sale in his eBay storefront, acezilla.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kyle Keutzer (ph 816-820-8170; kjkeutzer@hotmail.com; https://www.ebay.com/str/acezilla)

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3