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Pull-Behind ATV Rock Picker
Clearing rock from fields is more fun and less work with the Stone Collector from Danish start-up firm Stoneless. Hook an ATV to the trailer-mounted Stone Collector, swing it into its offset position, and start collecting rocks. The tightly placed shovel plates will pick up rocks as small as 2 1/2 in. on the surface or partially buried and penetrate nearly 6 in. into the soil.
“The shovel plates on the Stone Collector are 1/4-in. thick,” says Søren Kristensen, Stoneless. “They have pointed teeth that can pry a stone out of the ground or dig away the dirt around it. If it’s less than 19 1/2 in. in diameter, it’s flipped through the throat and into the box. Larger stones can be carried off the field in the jaws.”
The jaws that do the digging and the paddles that flip the collected stones are powered by a 5 1/2-hp. Honda motor and an independent hydraulic system. Jaws, paddles, and positioning of the cart are controlled by a multi-function joystick.
Once the cart is full, the operator swings it back behind the ATV and heads for a dumping site. The 5-ft., 9-in. wide and 8-ft., 10-in. long Stone Collector is easy to maneuver in the field and out.
“One person on an ATV with the Stone Collector can do the work of three picking stones by hand,” says Kristensen. “Lighter than a tractor and loader, you can collect stones in wetter conditions or even after a field has been sown.”
Clearing stones from fields by hand as a young farm boy gave Kristensen good reason to develop an alternative. After training as a blacksmith, he spent 5 years developing the Stone Collector. Early prototypes were put to use on his family farm. After 2 years of refining the design, he began to offer it for sale.
“We sold four in 2019 and within 2 years had sold more than 100 in Denmark and Sweden,” says Kristensen. “Today we have more than 300 units in use. Most are in European countries, but we have shipped one to Quebec.”
Until recently, all sales have been direct from the company, many via the Stoneless website. The company is now actively looking for dealers.
Stone Collectors are fabricated and assembled in Denmark. The company offers a unique warranty.
“If any parts are needed, we’ll cover their cost, including shipping, as well as any work that needs to be done at local machine shops,” says Kristensen.
He trusts the heavy-duty machine will need minimal work. The galvanized steel is designed to stand up to the elements. Initial feedback from buyers led to reinforcing the cart and other parts where needed.
Kristensen recommends using a 500cc, 4 by 4 ATV or larger to pull the 925-lb. machine. The actual pull on the ATV averages only 175 lbs.
Price is around $10,900 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stoneless, Søgade 26, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark (ph 45 5357 1837; sales@stoneless.dk; www.stoneless.dk).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3