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Guidance System Adapted To Old Tractor
In the spring of 2022, Brad Farmer had great success with two Wheelman Pro autosteer systems from Ag Junction, installing one on his planter tractor and another on his tillage tractor. “The systems didn’t require a subscription, and they worked so well that I decided to put a third unit on our Deere 7520,” Farmer says.
After Farmer bought the system, he quickly realized it wouldn’t work on a 49-year-old tractor. Not to be deterred, Farmer spent many hours of research cross-checking steering wheel part numbers. “I finally found that the steering shaft and spline counts on a Deere 8440 were the same as the 7520,” Farmer says. “When I figured that out, I dove right into installing it.”
Everything went according to the directions except for installing the anti-rotation bracket. Farmer says that wouldn’t work on the older 20 Series Deere because the throttle lever rotates the column, which turns the linkage below the injection pump. Farmer produced a custom bracket and mounted it under the center shields that run parallel with the column, slides over a T bracket, and bolts to the back side of the steering module. “That simple modification worked really well, so the tractor now has customized autosteer,” Farmer says.
Precision steering for the 8520 was a big priority for Farmer because he uses the tractor to pull his custom-made 42-ft. field roller. “I learned from experience that we only need about 6 in. of overlap with every pass, and the only way to achieve that is with autosteering,” Farmer says. “There’s always a lot of dust while rolling, so the autosteer keeps us right on track regardless of conditions. We wouldn’t be able to use this tractor without it.”
Farmer says installing the Wheelman Pro didn’t take long once he figured out how to modify the bracket for the steering column. “It’s a very good system priced at a little over $4,100, a very reasonable price, without any annual subscription, which is another big plus,” Farmer adds.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brad Farmer, 3596 Trophy Ave., Osage, Iowa 50461 (farmer3596@gmail.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4