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Swather Cab Repurposed Into Bus Stop
Gary and Laura Rentmeester of Denmark, Wis., found a new use for the cab on Grandpa’s old swather by turning the cab into a school bus stop for their two girls.
“This idea was essentially the result of a nagging wife - me! - wanting a more comfortable spot to wait for the school bus with the kids,” says Laura. “While Gary and I were disassembling the swather to scrap it, he had a vision. He said, ‘Why don’t we make the cab our bus stop?’”
They first bolted the cab onto two plastic pallets. Gary then added a heater, which is wired to a light switch in their house. “On extremely cold days, we flip the switch to preheat the shelter fore we head out,” says Laura.
Cost-wise, the Rentmeesters retrofitted their new bus stop for just the cost of a $10 can of paint and a couple of roosters that they traded to a neighbor for a bus seat. Labor was free, as their daughters were in charge of painting it.

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4