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Support Post Stabilizes Sliding Doors
For large farm buildings with sliding doors, Midwest Perma-Column produces pre-cast center posts for better door control and support.
  “The tops of these doors have a track that holds them securely where they should be, but the bottom doesn’t have anything,” says owner, Phil Ehnle. “Our concrete columns keep the lower doors stable and in line even when the wind is strong.”
  In the past, many people would use a wooden post with an attached bracket, but after a time, wood rots in the ground or heavy equipment damages it as it’s driven over.
  To install the adjustable concrete columns, first, a minimum 12-in. hole is drilled in the center at a depth of 44-in. The column is equipped with a threaded rod and foot plate to adjust it to the correct length to reach ground level. A metal bracket is attached to the top of the post to act as a stop for the doors and keep them aligned. The void at the bottom of the hole is filled with concrete, and the remainder is packed with soil or gravel.
  “We’re getting a good response to the product,” says Ehnle. “It can handle any size of sliding door.”
  All pre-cast columns are produced at the Illinois shop, with shipping available across North America.
  The column and bracket are priced at $225 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Phil Ehnle, Midwest Perma-Column, 7407 N Kickapoo Edwards Rd., Edwards, Ill. 61528 (ph 800-798-5562; dehnle@midwestpermacolumn.com; www.midwestpermacolumn.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4