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Easy-To-Use Engine Paint Kit
The Motor Coater Kit from KBS Coatings has everything you need to clean and then paint an engine, so it looks brand new.
The kit comes with KBS Klean to wash away gunk, RustBlast to get rid of rust and corrosion, and Motor Coater, a durable engine enamel. Available in 39 colors, the high-performance and high-gloss paint can handle temperatures of up to 450 degrees and is impervious to oil and gas.
“KBS Klean and RustBlast provide a professional preparation ensuring maximum adhesion and durability,” says Randy Tomak, KBS.
The warmer the water used, the more effective KBS Klean is. The ratio of water to the water-based, biodegradable cleaner depends on how soiled the surface is and the type of metal being cleaned. Heavy-duty cleaning may require soaking for 24 hrs. or more.
Once the surface has been cleaned, rinsed and dried, coating it with RustBlast dissolves rust, corrosion, metal oxides, and tarnish from most metal surfaces, including rust from chrome surfaces. It etches the surface and leaves behind a zinc phosphate pre-primer coating. It also enhances welding conductivity.
Once the surface is clean and prepped, a single application of Motor Coater will cover the surface. The self-leveling paint can be brushed on, rolled on, or sprayed on for a smooth finish. However, Tomak advocates doing two coats.
“Two light coats are always better than one heavy coat,” he says.
The kit also includes #1 Thinner for use with spray applications (non-aerosol) of Motor Coater. The kit is priced at $64.95 with a pint of Motor Coater.
Visit the KBS website for videos, guidelines, technical information, and directions on the use of the company products. All products are made in the U.S.
“Our sales staff can answer most questions, or call me at extension 123,” says Tomak.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, KBS Coatings, 1101 Cumberland Xing #180, Valparaiso, Ind. 46383 (ph 219-263-0073; toll-free 888-531-4527; www.kbs-coatings.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4