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He Modified His Deere Zero-Turn
Francis Ehemann of Hattieville, Ark., has customized his Deere Z425 lawn mower by mounting a step deck between the front wheels. He took the step off a 6000 series Deere tractor. “But you can make a step from just about anything,” he says. “I just had this one lying around.” The step is centered between the wheels and 9 in. off the ground, allowing for approximately 8 in. of clearance.
Near the step, Ehemann added a 3/4-in. pipe that’s welded vertically to the mower’s deck to provide a handhold for stepping up onto it.
Four years ago, Ehemann modified his mower with a foot lift on the left side that made it possible to raise the mowing deck hands-free. “Sometimes, when mowing, you need to raise the deck to get more clearance over objects in your way,” he says. “I added a foot pedal to raise the deck quickly, and when I take my foot away, the deck comes down to where it was before.”
Ehemann is an innovator in other areas as well. He’s invented a patent-pending winch lift to get rolls of net wrap onto Deere balers (Vol. 43, No. 6).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Francis Ehemann, 4 Victor Frank Dr., Hattieville, Ark. 72063 (ph 501-354-4463).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5