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Company Searches The Globe For Agricultural Bearings
To satisfy the market for agricultural bearings, Darrell Zimmerman took it upon himself to establish worldwide suppliers for nearly every bearing a farmer could ever need.
“No one was specializing in bearings for the ag industry,” Zimmerman says. “Agriculture has unique bearings not used in other industries, so we gathered information and studied applications to build our specialty lines.”
The result of this effort is EZ Bearing LLC, a primarily wholesale bearing supply house targeting farm and repair shops servicing the farming community.
The business maintains a physical warehouse with extensive inventory but much of its work involves sourcing bearings from all corners of the globe. Many products are manufactured overseas but not distributed in North America. EZ Bearing focuses on premium brands for higher quality and longevity in the field.
“We do our best to find what our customers need in Europe, Australia, or wherever they might be, and then bring the right products in,” Zimmerman says.
EZ Bearing is currently working on getting its data streamlined to where it can deliver structured e-commerce for its current customers.
“We’ve morphed into a full-blown ag business, and I always joke that we don’t even have time to build a website,” Zimmerman says.
In cases where they must source unusually hard-to-locate bearings, they evaluate the need for them, and if great enough, they use their vendor connections to modify bearings for the special features that might not be available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, EZ Bearing LLC, 99 Locust Bend Rd., Ephrata, Penn. 17522 (ph 877-738-3093; sales@ezbearingllc.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5