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Learn To Sew At Laura’s Sewing School
Laura Wirkkala describes herself as a “pattern interpreter” which is helpful as the owner of Laura’s Sewing School in Ashland, Wis.
Whether it’s sewing garments or accessories or home décor, creating art, or piecing quilts, Wirkkala is ready to help students master all types of sewing skills.
“I love teaching beginners. Usually, I have classes of up to five people, so I can make sure I can help them,” she says.
She allows students to struggle a little to come up with their own solutions. And she finds that classmates inspire and help each other.
In addition to holding 3-hr. classes once a week for 5 or 6 weeks where sewists work on whatever they want, she offers sessions on specific projects such as making table runners, collapsible bins, and creative fish collages, which are very popular with residents who live near the shores of Lake Superior.
“They come to be creative. It’s their therapy,” Wirkkala says of her clients, noting they come from all walks of life with varying projects.
She recalls one male student who made blue suede shoes with a sneaker kit. Others love to repurpose garments.
To encourage garment sewing, Wirkkala usually wears something she has sewn. Plus, she is installing a Ditto digital projector with technology that creates custom patterns.
“I’m testing the waters to see what people want,” Wirkkala says, as she plans future classes. She’s had requests about after-school programs, hemming lessons, thread art, and Native American arts, for example. With her studio on Ashland’s main street, her business complements the active art community.
Check out the registration page for current classes and fees.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Laura’s Sewing School, Laura Wirkkala, 400 Main St. W. Ashland, Wis. 54806 (ph 715-329-0580; laura@laurassewingschool.com; www.laurassewingschool.com; Facebook: Laura’s Sewing School).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5