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Flake Saver Helps Manage Big Square Bales
When feeding livestock, big square bales get messy after you remove the first few flakes. And if you only need a portion of the bale, it’s hard to hold the remainder together.
“After you cut the strings, it has a domino effect with flakes falling on top of one another,” says Seth Siedel.
The Ohio sheep producer solved the problem with a “flake saver” he designed as part of his business, Black Sheep Equipment & Mfg. It took a couple dozen prototypes to get the size user-friendly and not too heavy or long for shipping.
“By design, the 3 1/2-ft. steel flake saver doesn’t need to go end to end on the large bales. Place one end against something solid before cutting the strings,” Siedel says.
Jab the two-prong end of the flake saver in the bale and remove as many flakes as needed for feeding livestock. Then place the stop end of the flake saver on the bale and press firmly to keep the bale tight. As the flakes get used and the bale shortens, adjust the pipe through the prong end.
“It basically clamps it by wedging the flakes from falling down,” Siedel says. “The flake saver works on large square bales of hay and straw, wet wrap bales, and even round bales on end if you feed by unraveling the round bale by hand.”
He sells the flake saver for $125.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Seth Siedel, 9033 Mt. Hope Rd., Apple Creek Ohio 44606 (ph 330-317-3033; sswelding3033@yahoo.com; Facebook: Black Sheep Equipment & MFG).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5