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Man-Size Giant Slingshot
When John Krueger’s grandkids outgrew handheld slingshots and rubber band guns, he decided to go big. His man-size slingshot uses surgical tubing attached to Honda 3-wheeler front forks turned upside down. Plastic balls are the ammunition, and an old tire is the target.
“I built a frame out of salvaged pipe, added a seat, and put foot pedals on the forks,” says Krueger. “The user can aim at a target by making the forks swivel. A crossbar on the mount for the forks limits the general direction it can be aimed.”
Kruger notes that surgical tubing is available from Ace Hardware stores. He tied one end of each piece of tubing to a piece of leather for the pouch and attached snaps to the sling end.
“The tubing has a lot of stretch to it, but it will degrade in sunlight,” says Kruger. “I take it off and store it when not in use.”
The big slingshot is a multi-generational toy. Krueger admits to using the slingshot himself and now enjoys seeing his great-grandchildren play with it.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Krueger, 1112 County St. 2984, Blanchard, Okla. 73010 (ph 405-392-4796).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5