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Simple Tarp-Covered Chicken Tractor
Brad Wood liked Lisa Peterson’s pasture coop so much that he adopted the design for his birds. One of his upgrades was to use “wiggle wire,” normally used in hoop houses, for the roof tarp.
“I saw Lisa’s design on the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association online discussion group,” says Wood. “It’s a lightweight alternative to the Joel Salatin model. I made some changes and, with her permission, started offering plans on my website.”
The pasture coop is an 8 by 8 by 2-ft. design with room for 32 or more birds. It uses 2 by 3 lumber with a solid plywood rear and hardware cloth sides. Each side of the roof can flip up for easy access to the birds. Roost bars (2 by 2 in.) mounted at the rear of the unit nudge birds along when it’s moved forward to fresh pasture.
Originally, the roof tarp was held in place by an end board that was screwed in place. Wood replaced it with the wiggle wire.
“It makes the tarp easier to attach and detach,” says Wood. “It also holds the tarp tighter, and it lasts longer.”
Wood uses a 4-in. pvc pipe cut in half lengthwise for a feed trough. He places it at the front of the chicken tractor before moving the coop forward, but only 90 percent of its length.
“Having fresh food at the front encourages the birds to move forward as the coop moves,” says Wood. “The partial move ensures that any feed that fell away from the trough during feeding remains available for the birds to eat the next day.”
Wood is charging $3.33 for the plans that are still in their beta stage. Plans include detailed drawings as well as a complete list of supplies needed and sources.
“I plan to upgrade the plans in the future and will increase the price at that point,” he says.
Wood has videos posted to his YouTube channel detailing watering systems he’s adapted to his pastured poultry systems.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brad Wood, P.O. Box 54, Centerville, Ind. 47330 (ph 765-595-0408; brad@farmerbrad.com; www.farmerbrad.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5