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Small Corn Thresher Saves Time
The Intbuying electric corn thresher offers a simple way to thresh corn kernels off the cob. It’s designed for use with both field corn and popcorn.
The machine uses thick steel plates and high-grade welding for durable threshing that won’t break down or chew up the corncobs. Its ear-feeding port comes with a skip-proof cover, which prevents kernels from spilling out during use. The cleaned ears are ejected from the bottom opening, while the shelled corn can be collected from the second port on the thresher’s lower right side.
The 1100W thresher runs off a 220-volt plug, an A510 transmission belt, and has a copper coil motor to prevent it from high temperatures while operating. It offers stable performance and an extended run-time for getting through a lot of ears quickly.
Operating at a speed of 2,800 rotations per minute, it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to thresh each ear of corn, which comes to about 2,200 lbs. of kernels per hour. You can feed multiple ears into the thresher at a time.
The thresher’s legs are iron, with a durable powder-coat finish covering the machine to reduce rust. The thresher works with multiple-sized ears with no adjustment necessary.
Amazon customer reviews indicate that the Intbuying is a solid thresher for the price point, although it shouldn’t be expected to perform miracles. Some users found that many kernels were left on the cob after threshing, so they needed to run the same cob through the machine a second time. Others found the included assembly instructions to be lacking and that they needed to make modifications to get it fully operational. In one case, a customer rewired the thresher by putting a ground in it and mounting a switch to the leg.
In general, expect the Intbuying thresher to save you from wrist fatigue for small threshing tasks like hand samples, though you may want to invest in a more robust system when operating at a larger scale.
The Intbuying 220-volt electric threshing machine sells for $230 on Amazon.

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5