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Air Tank Add-On Allows For Easier Drainage, Storage
Hans Strayer of Grapevine, Texas, has upgraded his vertical air compressor for easier drainage. “Being a disabled Army veteran, turning my vertical air compressor over to open the drain valve was becoming a real problem,” he says. “I had a couple of extra air chucks and repurposed them into an extension, so I don’t have to turn the compressor over. I simply reach down and turn the valve handle.”
    Strayer also made a wooden box that he bolted onto the front support bracket. He keeps a small toolbox within this additional storage space for all his air tools. Mounted on the outside is a reel with 100 ft. of air hose.
    “It took me longer to find the parts than the time it took to assemble it,” Strayer shares. He had all the necessary parts from older projects and didn’t need to buy anything, though he estimates the cost would have been about $25.
    Overall, the project has streamlined the process of draining the tank. “The original drain valve was so difficult to use that I drained it once a week, but now I drain it daily because the new valve extension is so easy to use,” he says. “With the male end on this, one can attach a section of air hose and run the water discharge away from the tank. However, since the tank is on wheels, I usually roll it outside my shed and drain it in the grass.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hans Strayer (hpfstrayer@hotmail.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5