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Powerful, Portable Industrial Vacuum
Roll-N-Vac is a portable industrial vacuum designed for cleanup at work sites. The mobile design can suck up debris like sand, sludge, and small aggregate up to 12 ft. vertically. It’s ideal for cleaning drains and construction sites and can even handle manure.
“The inspiration for RNVac came when I was contacted by a business associate who wanted help making a wet-dry vacuum that could be used on rough terrain,” says Ed Calafut, owner of the manufacturer, Truebite Inc. “The vacuums available in hardware stores were hard to pick up and dump when full. Also, the wheels would often break off when moved on rough terrain.”
Calafut used this market shortfall as inspiration to create a vacuum that could withstand commercial rigor. “Mounting a vacuum on a wheelbarrow seemed like a natural choice. We had multiple prototypes made over several years before developing the finished product we market today.”
Roll-N-Vac is designed to vacuum directly into a wheelbarrow. Simply place the RNVac unit on an approved 6-cu. ft. capacity steel construction-grade wheelbarrow (preferably the Jackson M6KBUT12), and you’ll turn it into a portable Hydrovac. The vacuum provides suction so strong that it will implode lesser-quality wheelbarrows. “It can suck up 20 gals. of water on level ground in 10 seconds or 200 lbs. of wet sand and 10 gals. of water in 3 mins. Plus, it’s easy to move and dump,” says Calafut.
In this way, the portable industrial vacuum is designed to blend the best features of basic wet/dry vacuums and a vacuum truck and trailer. Most vacuums lack the power to tackle tough jobs, while vacuum trucks are pricey and not portable. In contrast, you can use the RNVac for hard-to-clean material and it’ll work wherever you can take a wheelbarrow. It’s also used for picking up concrete slurry and cleaning out valve boxes for water drop-off. Calafut shares that it’s also invaluable for livestock farming, as the vacuum can pick up spilled grain off the ground and remove puddles after a floor washdown.
The RNVac weighs 42 lbs., ensuring one technician can handle it easily. It requires a 15-amp power outlet or will easily run on a 2,200-watt generator.
Roll-n-Vacs are made in the USA and designed for long-term use. “The RNVac is rebuildable,” says Calafut. “Parts are available on our website. It’s not a throwaway product.” Prices start at $1,800.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, RNV Hydrovac by Truebite, 2590 Glenwood Rd., Vestal, N.Y. 13850 (ph 607-786-2139; sales@rnvac.com; www.roll-n-vac.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5