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Low-Cost Loader Ready Manlift
Get a man basket for your forklift or loader forks for only $209.99. The slip-on attachment is direct-marketed by Vevor. The company offers free shipping from more than 30 warehouses in the U.S., as well as warehouses in Canada.
The forklift man basket appears well-made, and the price is certainly attractive. Reviews on the company site were mostly positive.
The lift platform is 39 in. high, 36 in. long, and 36 in. wide, with a weight capacity of 1,100 lbs. It simply slides onto standard forks and locks in place. It has a mesh door on one side and chain restraints on the other. It’s collapsible for easy storage, simply remove the chains and lower the walls. Although the company claims it’s crafted with heavy-duty steel, multiple reviewers on the company site commented on the lightweight material used, often suggesting it was what they expected for the money.
Of on-site reviewers, 71 percent gave the man basket a 5-star rating. One of the 5-star reviewers recommended wire roping the man basket to the bucket for safety and using a safety harness. Even the 4-star ratings were mostly positive. Concerns included damages incurred during shipping and lightweight chains. One mentioned having to reweld a side rail hinge. The most common response was that it was a good product for the price.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vevor (www.vevor.com or www.vevor.ca).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5