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Fence Braces
Although there are a number of fence braces on the market, we feel none can compare to our new brace in terms of cost, ease of installation, and removal - it's reuseable. Old-time bracing is slow and non-reuseable and often won't hold unless you install both a straight brace and an angle brace on corner. Wooden braces tend to rot off in the ground while floating angle braces are time-consuming to install. The brace in the photo was installed over 2 years ago after the post was pulled back with a come-along to a slight lean backwards. It attaches through a 3/4-in. dia. hole drilled in the post and is braced against a steel anchor that's driven into the ground. We used rebar material on these early models but commercial models use square tubing to cut down on shipping weight. The angle brace fits over a retainer knob on the brace in the ground, so it installs quick but can shift out of position. We sell them direct and we're looking for adistributor. (Dale Pocock, Box 749, Nlpawin, Sask. SOE 1 EO Canada ph 306 862-9184)

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #4