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Custom Grader Levels, Wipes Out Potholes
D.A. Hochstetler & Sons manufactures the Reliable Driveway Finisher Grader. This heavy-duty attachment has adjustable cutting edges and will excavate and grade driveways, parking lots, and construction sites. It’s suitable for both commercial and residential buyers.
The company is a fourth-generation fabricating and machine work business based in LaGrange County, Ind. The inspiration for the Grader came about when a customer walked into the shop with a picture of an attachment that was only available to rent but not purchase. “He asked us if we could make one for him,” says Kenny Hochstetler, a company employee. “So, we got to work building one. It took six prototypes, but by the seventh, we got it right.” The Driveway Grader has been gaining traction ever since. “In mid-August, we made our thousandth grader in 7 years.”
The Grader works well for prepping a worksite before laying concrete, leveling around a house, and restoring logging sites after a project wraps up. When driven over a pothole, the Grader fills it up. “If you want to level anything off, it’s perfect,” says Hochstetler.
The Grader’s design will save users money in the long run. Its blades are reversible and adjustable up and down. This makes it possible to reverse the cutting edge as they wear down to get double the use out of it. Likewise, it makes it possible to redistribute and reuse driveway stone. “Many of our customers used to buy stone yearly,” says Hochstetler. “Now, one guy tells us that he hasn’t bought any stone in 3 1/2 years. It pays for itself the first year!”
D.A. Hochstetler & Sons ships nationwide. Single and double models are available, both of which have two cutting edges. The double model can attach on both ends, removing the need to back drag. “I don’t like to brag, but we just don’t get bad feedback on this,” says Hochstetler. “Contact us directly for pricing and availability.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, D.A. Hochstetler & Sons, 4165 South 500 West, Topeka, Ind. 46571 (ph 574-642-1144; www.plainmerchant.com/merchant/da-hochstetler).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6