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Illumiladder Lights Up Any Space
As a plumber, Tim Hulet was often frustrated by low-light conditions, and it seemed logical to him to add lights to a ladder. He teamed up with Donnie Williamson, a machine technician who works in aerospace, to develop the Illumiladder.
The Illumiladder has 18-in. LED strips with a battery adapter for 18 and 20-volt DeWalt and Milwaukee batteries to provide bright light for up to 5 hrs., with dimmer light for another 3 or 4 hrs.
The strips attach to the ladder’s leg with Velcro®, using a strong 3M™ fastener to secure the battery adapter.
“The U.S.-made lights slide in a waterproof housing with an end cap and cord to the battery. It’s built heavy-duty and all enclosed,” Hulet says. The lights typically use white bright LEDs with 1,872 lumens, though some customers, such as painters request natural light LEDs.
Featured at the 2023 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, the Illumiladder attracted the attention of people in many professions.
“It’s helpful to contractors and farmers working on equipment or in a barn with poor lighting,” Hulet says.
FARM SHOW subscribers can get the Illumiladder for $149.95 with the promo code “Farm,” battery not included. Buyers need to specify the battery adapter needed (DeWalt or Milwaukee).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tim Hulet, P.O. Box 375, Perry, Okla. 73077 (ph 580-307-5911; illumiladder@gmail.com; www.illumiladder.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6