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Reader Shares Leaf Pickup Tips
Cyclone leaf and grass rakes are handy tools, but the fabric box can be hard to dump, notes Paul Zawalick. He came up with a simple solution…hard sides.
  “When the sides bellied out, it wouldn’t dump, and I had to dig the leaves out by hand,” says Zawalick. “I connected two 1-in. steel tubes between the corner uprights of the frame for the leaf box. I mounted plywood panels between them and the fabric bag to keep the sides from bellying out.”
  Zawalick made other changes to the Cyclone rake to make leaf handling easier. Now 84, lifting the leaf bag to dump it was getting to be a chore.
  “When it’s full of mulched leaves, it’s too heavy for me to lift,” says Zawalick. “I added an electric lift cylinder to the cart and the leaf bag. That solved the problem.”
  He also bolted a slip-pin holding hinge plate to the side of his ROPS post. When using the Cyclone mower, he runs the throttle cord through a cotter pin and slides it into the hinge plate.
  “It’s easy to reach when I need to adjust the throttle,” says Zawalick. “When I unhook the Cyclone, I slip the pin out and leave it with the machine.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Paul Zawalick, 545 Sylvester Rd., Florence, Mass. 01062 (ph 413-584-4162; J0236@comcast.net).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6