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One-Of-A-Kind Sprayer Modeled After Big Bud Tractor
Bob Welker and his sons Nick and Scott produced a Big Brute self-propelled sprayer patterned after a Series 3 Big Bud tractor.
    It was only natural that when they tired of using a pull-type sprayer, the Welkers thought well outside the box. Says Nick, “We’re good at cutting, welding, inventing, fixing, and painting, so this was an adventure.” The chassis for Big Brute is a 2001 Case IH Titan 4375 Floater Truck. Nick Welker says they chose that rig because the Cat 3176 425-hp. engine was strong, and the Allison 6-speed transmission provided the speed ranges they wanted.
    The project required a massive amount of planning, cutting, welding, replacing parts, and configuring the rig for liquid rather than dry fertilizer. Big Brute has the physical appearance of a Big Bud tractor because they replaced the Case Cab and hood with a salvaged hood from a 1981 Big Bud Series 3 tractor.
    The tank cradle is configured from a 1988 1,600 gal. Ag Chem Terragator. The center section is from a 2009 New Holland S1070 pull-type sprayer. The 120-ft. Specialty Enterprise Millennium booms are 2022 models the Welkers adapted to the back of the Big Brute. State-of-the-art electronics sense weed growth and activate spray nozzles as the sprayer moves through a field.
    Unlike many projects that are built and photographed a few times when the rig is clean, the Big Brute was documented with thousands of photos and video clips during all phases of manufacturing. Those photos and videos were edited into a 13-min. time-lapse video that’s been viewed thousands of times on their YouTube channel.
    Nick Welker says that even though Big Brute is an “only child,” it’s done more and traveled several thousand miles during its short life, including a trip to the 2023 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill. where it was displayed next to its distant cousin, the new Big Bud 700 tractor.
    Entertaining dialogue and information on how Big Brute was built, modified, rebuilt again, and then put to work in the field can be found on the Welker Farms YouTube channel.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Welker Farms, 275 Benjamin Rd., Shelby, Mont. 59474 (YouTube: Welker Farms).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1