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Best Buy Egg Washers
Finding the best egg washers produced a series of recent posts on the members’ group forum of the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA). Recommendations included several mechanical egg washers covered in previous FARM SHOW issues. In some cases, the comments were “Best & Worst Buys” material.
    Member Susan Young started the discussion by asking for recommendations, as she had about 10 dozen duck and chicken eggs to wash each day.
    Tim Spann had purchased a Gibson Ridge egg washer (Vol. 37, No. 5) and said he would “definitely NOT recommend it.” Reasons included poor quality, parts that didn’t fit, and excessive egg breakage. He referred to it as a “$2,000 paperweight.”
    Jerica Cadman owns a Power Scrub egg washer. She described it as a “fantastic machine, but a hefty investment.” The base unit is priced at $4,695. The Power Scrub was featured in Vol. 41, No. 3 of FARM SHOW. She used it to process her 45-dozen daily egg production.
    Both Spann and Cadman were disappointed with the lack of egg washers for small producers. Cadman suggested small producers avoid egg washers and invest instead in rollaway-style nest boxes for hens if not ducks. One is described in Vol. 40, No. 2.
    Charles Warnky had purchased the Sani-Touch tabletop egg washer for $2,000 a year earlier. While it was rated for 1,000 eggs per hour, he found a person operating it alone, taking time to dry and package the eggs, had a top output of about 600 eggs per hour. He endorsed it as “very good” for his 30+ dozen per day operation.
    Demetrius Maendel uses the Little Egg Scrubber II ($369) for his 20 dozen eggs per day farm. He said it takes about 40 min. to wash “pretty clean” eggs, but more if they are dirty. He said he was upgrading to a used Power Scrub II. Like Spann and Cadman, he would like to see something in the $1,500 to $2,000 range.
    Young wrapped up the posts with a thank you for the recommendations. Once again, the forum came through. Membership in the APPPA for egg producers really is a best buy.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, American Pastured Poultry Producers Association, P.O. Box 85, Hughesville, Penn. 17737 (ph 888-662-7772; grit@apppa.org; www.apppa.org).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1