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Calving Belt Protects Farmers And Cows
Assisting a calving cow can be hard on the animal and the worker’s back. Irish dairy farmer Jim Ryan invented a belt and harness system that he could wear to make the procedure safer for all involved.
    “I came up with the Calving Assist after I realized I’d lost power in my lower back,” says Ryan. “Sometimes, you just don’t have a choice but to help pull a calf when cows go down against a wall or in tight quarters.”
    The Calving Assist belt fits around the glutes, taking the strain off the lower back and shoulders. It takes advantage of body weight and leg power during the pulling process. Chains or ropes are attached to two metal grapples to securely hold the calf along with the harness.
    FRS Direct, an Irish agricultural equipment supplier markets the device.
    Gerard Browne, FRS Direct online marketing executive, explains the safety feature of the belt. “When the animal can’t be restrained and moves off quickly, one of the stainless-steel handles has a lever for a quick release, disconnecting the harness away from the animal to prevent any injury.”
    Browne says the Calving Assist doesn’t currently have dealers in the U.S., but the belt system can be ordered at a rough cost of $150 USD for overseas delivery.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, FRS Direct, Carrigeen Industrial Estate, Barrack St. Cahir Co., Tipperary, Ireland E21 XN44 (ph 052 7441598; shop@frsdirect.ie; www.frsdirect.ie).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1