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3-pt. Quick Attach Modified For Wider Implements
If you have 3-pt. implements with lift arm links too wide for your quick attach plates, David Simpler has a fix. The retired machinist and miller made adapters for his own quick attach plate. They’re lower link balls on brackets that connect to the pin hooks on the 3-pt.’s quick attach.
“I made mine in my machine shop using heavy-duty steel plate for the bracket,” says Simpler. “It’s 1 in. thick, 3 in. wide, and 5 in. long.” Simpler notes that an option would be to weld pieces together, but his provides a pivot point for the lower link ball ends.
His bracket has holes for two bolts. The pin that locks into the pin hooks on the quick attach plate goes through one hole. A nut secures its threaded end to the bracket.
The second hole is at the front end of the bracket and matches up with a bolt-hole pattern on the back of his quick attach. A 5/8-in. bolt through it helps secure the add-on to the quick attach.
“I pinned the ball ends to the bracket with a 1/2-in. dia. drill rod after drilling holes through them to match the hole in the bracket,” says Simpler. “This is what lets the arms pivot. They swing out to accommodate even wider implements.”
If a FARM SHOW reader is interested in machining a similar bracket, Simpler will send details for a $5 fee. However, he notes that there are other ways to make an adapter.
“You could just weld two nuts with a bolt through them to a steel plate that holds the pin,” he says. “Then, simply weld the ball ends to the bolt.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Simpler, 2645 Oldfield Pt. Rd., Elkton, Md. 21921 (ph 443-350-1199; davidsimpler@yahoo.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1