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New Cultivator Ramps Up Production
Row crop farmers now have an additional tillage tool to choose from for controlling weeds in their pre and post-emergent organic crops.
Isaac Martin is the sole owner and designer of the Accura Flow organic farming row crop cultivator. Agricultural consultant Gary McDonald came up with the original idea for the cultivator and now helps as a tester, using it on his farm and demonstrating its capabilities to gather feedback from potential customers.
“We focused on ease of adjustment and accuracy, having it stay put without slopping when working. That’s where the name comes from,” says McDonald. “It gets weeds out of organic certified row crops. Conventional operators are looking at it too because herbicides are no longer always working properly.”
The well-designed, heavy-duty 3-pt. hitch mounted units come in sizes ranging from 4 to 16 rows with widths up to 40 ft.
Front 3 by 13-in. gauge wheels are followed by coulters and sweeps on either side of the row.
“The front walking tandem gauge wheels smooth out the unit’s travel even when it hits a bump or rock,” says Martin. “They work together to provide excellent flotation.”
He explains there are many ways to outfit the organic cultivators depending on what the farmer needs and wants, so each piece of equipment is designed and built differently.
Martin manufactures the Accura Flow in Missouri, and his cultivators are receiving excellent reviews from close to 60 customers already using them.
He says the company is quickly ramping up activity. While the Accura Flow website is still under construction, Martin is setting up his first dealer to help with distribution. He encourages interested customers to contact him directly to discuss the wide variety of designs and costs.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Isaac Martin, Boonville, Mo. 65233 (ph 641-208-0143; isaac@accuraflow.net).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2