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Adjustable Wrench Converted To Spanner
When Dave Garber needed a spanner wrench to pull the clutch off a chainsaw he was rebuilding, he visited all his normal hardware stores and even the pawn shops but was unable to find one to do the job.
He considered drilling holes in a piece of metal to fit his current task but came up with a better idea.
“After striking out trying to buy one, I thought I might be able to modify one of my adjustable (crescent) wrenches and use it together with some standard metal punches,” says Garber.
He took one of his stainless-steel adjustable wrenches and drilled a hole to slide a 3/16-in. punch through each jaw.
“This makes it more of a one-size-fits-all tool for more jobs that might come up with slightly different sizes,” he says. “I wasn’t sure how they’d drill out, but the stainless steel was buttery soft.”
He says the only limitation to the improvised tool is the size of the adjustable wrench and the extent to which the jaws open, but the same process could be used with larger wrenches as well.
“If you don’t feel like spending 60 bucks on a regular spanner wrench or you can’t find one, you can do something like this for a lot cheaper. It works really well. I’m sure I’ll get more use from it in the future.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Garber, 2740 Locust St., Butte, Mont. 59701 (ph 937-621-8005; garberd99@gmail.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2