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Rotating Disc Plow Mounts On Front of Garden Tractor
"It works better than any garden cultivator on the market," says Johnny Reyenga, Prescott, Ark., who mounted a 16-in. dia. rotating disc on front of his garden tractor. Four 4-in. long, 1 1/2-in. wide angle iron "blades" bolt to the outside edges of the horizontally-mounted disc, cutting through weeds and tilling up soil at the same time.
The disc mounts at the bottom of a vertical steel shaft that's held out ahead of the tractor by a steel framework. The shaft is chain-driven off a small transmission that's belt-driven off a pulley on the engine crankshaft.
"I use it like a roto-tiller to take out weeds between rows and also to make perfect seedbeds for planting," says Reyenga, who uses the rotary "disc plow" on his 1/2 acre vegetable garden. "It works better than conventional tillers because it won't plug up with heavy vegetation. The leading edge of the angle iron blades are sharpened to cut through weeds. It tills the soil without turning it over so it doesn't rob soil moisture and works whether I go forward or backward, fast or slow.
"I normally run the tractor at high idle. By speeding up the engine I can increase the speed at which the disc rotates. A lever on the transmission lets me reverse rotation of the disc to throw dirt toward the middle of the row. I can change the depth and angle of the disc by adjusting the position of four bolts on the disc mounting plate.
"I can bolt several different types and sizes of cutting attachments onto the disc, depending on how much dirt I want to move. If I don't want to move a lot of dirt, I can cut weeds at ground level and leave them in place as mulch.
"I raise or lower the disc with a lever connected to a length of angle iron that's bolted onto the disc mounting frame-work. The disc rotates independently of the tractor transmission so I can back up and the disc will continue to rotate in the same direction."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Johnny Reyenga, Rt. 6, Box 140, Prescott, Ark. 71857 (ph 501887-3678).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4