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Clog-Hopper Holds Mower Above Trash
"With the PIK program, there are lots of idle acres with weeds to be controlled. Because of the high cost of chemicals, we think many farmers will decide to mow their weeds down," says Joe Kosch, president of Kosch Co., Columbus, Neb., manufacturer of the "Clog-Hopper".
The new device bolts to sickle mower cutterbars, raising the bar 4 to 8 in., so you can mow the weeds on idle acres without plugging the mower in the leftover crop stubble.
It bolts to the cutterbar near the outside shoe in the same two holes as one of the guards. Two other bolts adjust the unit's height.
The ground roller wheel is 3 1/2 in. wide and 3 1/4 in. in dia. Kosch says the roller only plugs up on rare occasions, and that's usually only in extremely fine, wet weeds.
He notes that the Clog-Hopper probably wouldn't be used for cutting hay except to avoid gopher holes or other similar obstacles. He adds that Clog-Hopper also helps mow roadsides where gravel and dirt clumps damage sickle sections.
Designed to fit all mowers, the lift linkage adjustments should be adjusted to take the sag out of the center of the bar. The sag can also be corrected by adding a second unit near the mower's inside shoe.
Sells for $49.50 and fits all sickle mowers.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kosch Co., P.O. Box 707, Columbus, Neb. 68601 (ph 402 564-7161).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #4