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Steel Posts You Can Drive A Staple Into
How about this - steel fence posts you can drive a staple into.
"They look like other steel posts except that they're crimped in the middle," says Gaylord Brow, the post's inventor. "You drive staples into the seam and they're held tighter than in any wooden posts."
The Staple Gripper, as Brow calls it, takes 11/a in., 9-gauge, serrated staples. Staples are driven in until they hit the back of the post. At that point, 1/2 in of the staple extends from the post for the wire to slip through. Staples can be pulled and the post reused.
"With this post, you don't kink the wire when pounding in staples because the staple only goes in so far," says Brow. "The staples will not work themselves loose and will keep the wire spaced without stays. No special tools are needed."
Another feature of the Staple tripper is a removable stabilizing anchor spade. The spade is fastened to the bottom of the post with a staple when needed. "That makes the posts much easier to carry," points out Brow. "And, in hard ground, you often
don't need a spade, so you save."
Single posts sell for $3.10 - and 15% less when volume-purchased.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gaylord Brow, 211 South Third, Laramie, Wyoming 82070 (ph 307 745-7298).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2