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New Pocket Gopher Trap
"It's easy to use, easy to set and catches lots of gophers," says Bill Dunham about his new-style pocket gopher trap.
Called the Gopher Catcher, it's a wooden box 8 in. long and 4 in. high, with the bottom and one end open. The opposite end is enclosed and has a 1/2 in. dia. hole in its middle. On top is a spring made of galvanized and copper-coated metal.
To use the trap, you fast dig aound the edge of a fresh gopher mound with a spade to locate the runway entry hole. You then dig out an area about 1 ft. long and 6 in. deep.
Place the trap in the excavated area with the open end flush over the hole. "Pocket gophers can't stand fresh air or sunlight so they'll try to fill up the small hole on the far end of the trap," explains Dunham. "To fill the hole, they must pass through the trap. As they do, they trip a trigger which releases the spring. As the spring pops up, it pulls a metal rod which catches and pinches the gopher behind the front legs and kills it almost instantly."
Dunham makes the traps in his garage. "I never had much luck with conventional metal rodent traps. When they obstruct the runway, the gopher simply digs a new path around the obstruction. With my new trap, the gopher sees an open hole and comes right into the trap.
"It's also easier and safer to set than conventional metal traps. You just push down on the spring and set the metal rod ๙it's as simple as setting a mouse trap. Pets are too big to get into the trap so they can't get hurt by it."
The Gopher Catcher trap sells for $5, plus postage.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Dunham, P.O. Box 1126, Sherman, Texas 75090 (ph 214 465-3699).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #4