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Cab-Over Truck Built Out Of Pickup
"It looks like a miniature semi truck, but I use it more like a small tractor to haul round bales, big loads of salt, implements, etc.," says O.J. Hanson, Kaycee, Wyo., about his tandem axle "cab-over" truck built out of a 1970's-era Dodge 3/4-ton crew cab 4-WD pickup. It has a 12-ft. flatbed behind the cab that can be equipped with livestock or grain racks.
Hanson's friend, David Calvert, of Alcova, Wyo., built the truck. He cut off the original pickup cab and replaced it with a GM semi truck cab, cutting off some of the bottom of the cab to make it shorter. He lengthened the frame 2 1/2 ft. on each end and added an International tag axle on back and a Chevrolet 1-ton truck axle in front. He replaced the original pickup engine with a Cummins 6-cyl. diesel engine and installed a 5-speed transmission. The truck still has the pickup's original 7.50 by 16 tires, steering wheel, and dash.
"It's easy on fuel and gets 20 mpg hauling a 4-ton load," says Hanson. "It rides kind of rough because of the weight and because a lot of leaf springs were used to support the engine. It's been to both coasts and from the Mexican border to Alaska.
"The naturally aspirated engine doesn't have a lot of power, but I plan to turbocharge it. It goes only 60 to 70 mph. It has a bench behind the seat for storage. The bucket seats are out of an old car and there's a carpeted lid between them that can be lifted up in order to service the engine. However, that makes it hard to keep the cab clean. I'd rather have a tip-over cab."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, O.J. Hanson, 1145 Mayoworth Rt., Kaycee, Wyo. 82634 (ph 307 738-2215).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #6