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Tow Behind Bale Wrapper
"It's the most sophisticated bale wrapper ever designed," says Rainer Kirch of Busatis-Werke, German manufacturer of a new tow-behind bale wrapper that trails behind round balers, automatically wrapping bales tightly with air-tight layers of plastic while the next bale is being formed.
Once it's finished wrapping a bale, the new Busatis wrapper automatically dumps the bale, all without any input from the operator. He just concentrates on running the baler - the wrapper runs itself, thanks to a set of electronic controls.
One key feature of the new machine, which can be used either behind a baler or independently behind a tractor, is that it dumps bales off to the side on their ends rather than on their sides. "The ends of e bale are covered with as many as 24 overlapping layers of plastic while the sides have only 6 layers of protection. When you dump bales on their sides they often get punctured by stubble, resulting in spoilage inside the bale. Dropping bales on end virtually eliminates the problem," says Kirch.
So far Busatis has built two prototypes but plans to have several more in the field during the coming season, with full production scheduled to begin at the end of 1992. Kirch expects the balers to be available in North America through the company's U.S. distributor. It will sell for around $16,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Busatis Corporation, 1813 Linnstreet, North Kansas City, Mo. 64116 (ph 816 471-8090).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #1