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PTO Extender Drives Both Planter, Sprayer
"Our new Power Extender is designed for farmers who want to apply chemicals and plant at the same time without the use of a hydraulic-driven spray pump," says Todd Pralle, Dycom, Inc., inventor of a new pump that couples directly to the tractor
The Power Extender pump has a "through shaft" design that allows easy hookup of a pto-driven planter. The pump is positioned off to one side and belt-driven by a pulley on the pto shaft. Thus a trailing pto-powered planter can be driven directly by the pto.
Pralle says elimination of the hydraulic-driven spray pump has several benefits. "Less tractor horsepower is required, there's less wear and tear on the hydraulic system, it frees up hydraulic outlets, and this system costs less to purchase and run."
The Power Extender adapts to International and CaseJIH Cyclo planters, and White Farm Equipment planters. Sells for $495.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Todd Pralle, Dycom, Inc., P.O. Box 126, Coulter, Iowa 50431 (ph 515 866-6889).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1