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Paddle Raps Sweep Up Short Crops
New for combine reels are "Paddle Raps"- 10 in. wide paddles that fit onto the combine reel to help pick up short and down crops.
Manufactured by Easton Products, Blooming Prairie, Minn., the add-ons are an offshoot of the company's popular Reel Raps which are used to prevent bean wrapping on the combine reel.
Paddle Raps are similar in that they cover the reel's bats and springs, yet they're different in that they have 10 in. wide paddles that extend down in front of the tines. The paddles sweep low-lying small grain and bean crops into the combine. This "sweeping" action also clears the crop off the sickle and into the combine to reduce crop losses.
Paddle Raps, made of a tough plastic, pop rivet into place. They're available to fit Hume and most other combine reels. Paddle Raps to fit a 20 ft. head cost approximately $224.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Easton Products, R.R. 3, Blooming Prairie, Minn. 55917 (ph 507 583-6610).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #4