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Feed Troughs Made From Cable Spools
Large wooden cable spools can be cut in half to make ideal cattle feed troughs, says Tom Lill, Alsen, N. Dak.
"We've used some for two years now and they've been almost indestructible, yet easy to move around. Each feeder accommodates two or three head of cattle.
"I got the spools free from our local electric co-op. You can make two feeders out of each spool. It takes about 2 hrs. to cut one apart and then to do some renailing along the cuts. I used a large bayonet-type power saw to make the cuts.
"One word of caution is that you should be sure to stand clear as you finish the cut. The spools weigh about 300 lbs. and come apart with crushing force if not blocked well."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Lill, HCR 1, Box 19, Alsen, N. Dak. 58311 (ph 701256-3535).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2