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Go Anywhere Tracks For Pickups, Vans
If you really want to get back into the boondocks and away from it all, drive your pickup or van as far as the road goes. Then drive the vehicle onto a set of EZ Tracks and continue driving ù right through mud, snow or muskeg - to wherever you want to go.
Used primarily by sportsmen, the "go anywhere" tracks utilize the suspension, power train and brakes of a 1/2 to 3 ton pickup, or van.
You tow the EZ Track unit behind your pickup until you need it. You then stop and remove the trailer wheels, position two ramps and back the pickup onto the tracks. You then bolt chain-drive adapters to the rear wheels, insert a steering control, put the truck in gear and proceed to drive anywhere you want to go, regardless of how much mud, snow, sand or muskeg is in your path.
It only takes about 20 min. to get the vehicle onto the tracks and make all the connections, and about the same amount of time to reverse the process, Ian Wright, marketing representative, told FARM SHOW. A set of tracks sells for about $6,000.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Easytrack Mfg., Bay No. 1, 6125 11th St. S.E., Calgary, Alb., Canada T2H 2L6 (ph 403 252-4677).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #1