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Snag-Free Ear Tag
"Our new snag-free ear tag fits tight against the back of the cow's ear so it won't snag and rip out," says Don Hicks, inventor.
"With other ear tags there's about 1 /4 in. between the ear and button that holds the tag on, so when the animal reaches through a fence and pulls her head back, the wire can get caught and rip the tag out, leaving you with an injured, unmarked animal," notes Hicks.
Snag-free tags come in four sizes and a variety of colors. They sell for from 66 to 90 cents depending on size,
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, K-Products Group, Perma-Flex Divsion, 724 Commerce St., Aberdeen, S. Dak. 57401 (ph 800 843-1660) or Donald D. Hicks, Box 321, Geraldine, Montana 59446 (ph 406 737-4291).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #4