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1/64th-Scale Shed Stores Mini-Farm Toys
Batteries are designed to retain heat but during cold weather they lose a lot of energy due to heat dissipation, according to a pair of inventors who've come up with a new battery heating kit that keeps the battery warm with a "hot pack" heated by re-routed engine coolant.
"The battery hot pack straps to the side of the battery. You simply splice into the heater hose re-routing it to the battery. While operating the vehicle, the engine automatically heats the battery, increasing charging efficiency. The battery's large heat storing capacity retains the heat for many hours after engine shut-off for easy restarts later," says Ron Sanders, who developed the idea with his brother Nick.
In addition to increasing charging capacity and lengthening cool-down time, the battery heaters can also increase the life of batteries by maintaining more even heat and charging levels, according to Sanders.
The battery Hot Pack sells for $34.40.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Weatheready, Inc., 7250 Commerce Circle East, Fridley, Minn. 55432 (ph 612 571-8760).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #6