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Gooseneck Trailer Hitch
If you pull a gooseneck trailer and want to keep your pickup's bed smooth and unobstructed for everyday use, you'll appreciate the new "Hid-A-Way" Hitch.
It recesses completely into the bed of your pickup, leaving the floor smooth and clear for its intended uses. In a matter of seconds, the hitch, without any tools, can be flipped up and into working position for hitching to a gooseneck trailer.
Uses a standard 2-15/16 in. ball and comes with instructions for do-it-yourself installation.
Sells for $129.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Economy Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 9C, Sedan, Kan. 67361 (ph 316 725-3520).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #5