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Battery Powered Lawn Mower
It's a whole new concept in mowing - a battery-powered, rechargeable machine that's whisper-quiet, clean and cheap to run.
Developed by Black & Decker's Canadian division, the world's first battery-powered mower will be test-marketed for the first time in the U.S. this coming year in Florida and California. But about 4,500 units have already been sold in Canada and reports from owners who've run them are enthusiastic.
The 12-volt rechargeable unit has a sleek, sloping deck that's designed to optimize airflow efficiency and is fined with an "airfoil" blade that causes more lift to re-duce power needs. The mower weighs about 60 lbs. - comparable to a gas-powered 3 1/2 hp. mower - and comes standard with a bagger.
The motor is a permanent magnet with solid casing, which the company says is more efficient than the universal magnets used by most electrics. It's designed to cut up to 25,000 sq. ft. on a full charge, although some reports from users suggest it will cut more than that.
The mower can be quick-charged in minutes. After it's fully charged, it goes into a trickle mode so the company recommends leaving it on charge whenever it's not in use.
It's fitted with a polypropylene deck that's quieter than steel and more resistant to corrosion. There's also a "one-touch" height adjustment, with springs on both sides that counter the weight of the battery.
Both battery and deck have a 5-year warranty. "This mower requires no oil, no gas, is very quiet and has no exhaust," says product manager Rick Cowan.
The mower is priced comparable to topof-the-line self-propelled mowers at about $450.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Black & Decker, 626 Hanover Pike, Hampstead, Md. 21074 (ph 800 235-2000). In Canada, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Black & Decker, 125 Mural Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4B 1M4 (ph 416 886-9511).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #6