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Fluffer Stirs Up Bedding In Stalls
You can stir up bedding in free stalls with this skid steer loader-mounted "Fluffer" from Mensch Mfg., Hastings, Mich.
It consists of seven 1-ft. long spring cultivator tines mounted with U-bolts to a telescoping beam made of steel tubing. It quicktaches directly to the front of most skid steer loaders and swings from side to side 180? as needed.
It telescopes from 6 to 10-ft. Tines can be removed or spacing can be adjusted to adapt it to any barn.
You use hydraulic bucket cylinders to tip unit forward or back to adjust penetration.
Depth is from 2 in. to 1 ft.
Sells for $745.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mensch Mfg., P.O. Box 418, 2499 S. Bedford Rd., Hastings, Mich. 49058 (ph 800 945-6678 or 616 945-5300; fax 616 945-5584).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2