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Modified Trailer Hauls 34 Bales
R. L. "Butch" Carraway hauls 34 big round bales at once on a modified 45-ft. long trailer with a 21-in. drop deck. He uses the trailer to custom-haul some 6,000 bales every year.
To handle bales up to 6 ft. long, he built fold-up wings 1-ft. wide that overhang each side. The wings are made from 1 3/4-in. dia. pipe welded into a rectangular frame that runs the length of the trailer. In order to fold the wings back flat onto the deck of the trailer he made hinges out of 2-in. dia. pipe and simply runs the smaller frame of the wings through the larger pipe. "Stops" to hold the wings in their extended position were made from short pieces of sucker rod welded to the pipe.
Sloping tailgates at the rear of the trailer hold bales on the back. The rear tailgates can be quickly removed for hauling other loads. Carraway loads bales two-high and straps them down.
"We couldn't handle this many full-size bales without the added support provided by the wings," he notes, adding that he had to fit the trailer with heavy-duty springs.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R.L. Carraway, DBA Carraway Tractor Sales, Rt. 6, Box 193, Sulphur Springs, Tex. 75482 (ph 214 485-4371).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #6