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Barklight Foils Burglars
Would-be burglars would surely think twice if they saw your yard or house lights suddenly turn on when your dog started barking.
Now you can scare them off with Barklight, a relatively inexpensive sensor that will automatically turn on your yard or house lights when triggered by your barking dog. The lights stay on until 60 seconds after the dog stops barking.
"Bright lights and barking dogs are both effective deterrents to nighttime burglaries on farms and ranches," explains Robert Kresser, president of Crime Stoppers, makers of Barklight. "It combines these two elements to produce a third and more powerful deterrent - an unexpected action."
"While a barking dog or well lighted yard or home may not stop some potential burglars, it would take a very stupid one to try to break into a home after he hears a dog barking and then a light suddenly comes on, Kresser points out. "Most burglars would have to assume that someone was in their target house and had turned on the lights to see why their dog was barking. The Barklight is designed to scare criminals away before they start breaking into a home or buildings."
The Barklight sells for under $50. It consists of a rectangular case containing the electronic components needed to turn lights off and on, and a microphone. To install, you simply plug the unit into any outlet, set up the microphone and then plug a light into the Barklight."
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Crime Stoppers, Box 67141, Los Angeles, Calif. 90067

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #4