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PTO Driven Grain Hauler
A pair of Minnesota farmers haul grain in a big way with their farm-to-market semi-truck grain hauler that uses pto power to transport up to 1,100 bu. of grain over even the softest ground. The big rig was built by combining a junked hopper bottom trailer with the rear chassis from a tandem axle cement truck.
Ray and Larry Rauenhorst, who farm near Olivia, Minn., put the trailer together with salvaged truck parts. The heart of the rig is a tandem truck axle that makes up the tow hitch and fifth-wheel mount for the big hopper-bottom semi-trailer. The truck axle assembly is equipped with a Ford truck transmission. It's pto-driven and is only used when the trailer is being moved out of a field onto the road, or when in soft ground in the field. The trailer requires a 90 to 140-hp. tractor. The Rauenhorsts say they can travel over soft ground with the big powered trailer that a tractor and conventional grain wagon couldn't handle.
The Rauenhorsts bought the junked hopper-bottom trailer, which had been involved in a rollover accident, for $1,200. They used hydraulic jacks and welders to straighten it out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ray Rauenhorst, Olivia, Minn. 56277.

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #3